
Getting moved into our cheery new crop room! - 3rd Entry

The first thing in was my ScrapRack of course.  I brought in a small shelving unit from my old office and placed it at an angle at the end of my work desk.  My goal with this space is to leave the actual work space on my desk as clean as possible so I'll have lots of room to create! I've only added a couple of Spinders back onto the ScrapRack.  I'm going through them again, page by page to be sure I've "purged" everyting I don't need.

I used the shelves under my ScrapRack to hold my Paper Storage Boxes
  As part of my plan to keep everything off the desk top, I used a "purse hanger" (you know, one of those things you're supposed to use to hang your purse off a table when you're out to dinner) to hang my favorite paper trimmer off the edge of my desk.  It's accessible, its visible, it's easy to get to, and there's no way it can get buried. HOOORAY for that!
Pens, Pencils, Scissors, Rulers.....these items present a huge problem for visbility, accessiblity, and still avoiding stuff on the desk top.  I filled this adorable plant stand with plastic "terra-cotta" looking planters.  Then I filled each planter with the items listed above.  It's easy to see all of them, and when I want to use them, I just pull the "planter" from rack and set it on my desk top.  When I'm finished, it's easy to put away
      I still haven't filled the shelves or cabinets yet.  I'll be working on those this next week, We're gong to the Santa Clara Scrapbook Expo next weekend, so that could slow me down.  It you're planning on attending, please stop by the booth and say HOWDY! 
  Thanks for joining me on my quest to be organized!


  1. Looking good! Your inspiring me to keep organizing. I haven't figured out the purge part yet. Once I get it all organized then i will go back through and do the purge part. Anyway happy Scrapping in your new room. Can't wait to see the rest.

  2. Just loved it!! Wish i could join you everyday helping you set up and then scrap 24/7 !!

  3. Love the paper cutter holder, in fact I cannot find mine at the moment...think I will buy one of those holders

  4. Love the way you "re-purpose" things!! :-)
    Kathy W,
