As many of you embark on your "Spring Cleaning" projects, organizing and tiding up your scrapbooking supplies will probably end up somewhere on the list. I have just one word for you - PURGE! If you've been Scrapbooking for more than a year I'm certain there are things in Scrapbook Supply Collection that you will never use. It's time to get them out of your way so you can find the things you will use!
How to PURGE
Set a Purge goal. You can do it by weight, by depth (how full to fill the box) or by age of products. It doesn't matter, just set a goal.
As you go through your supplies, eyeball your various products. If you don't think you'll use them, if you no longer think they're "Adorable", if the people you Scrap About are no longer involved in that activity, and your pictures have been scrapped - toss the items into your PURGE box.
Be Resolute! If something goes into the PURGE box it stays in the PURGE box.
When you're all done, give the PURGE box away! To a school, Sunday School, Hospital, or even to your own "crafty kids."
Ahhhhh.....there now doesn't that feel better!
The next time you sit down to scrap you'll find that you are more relaxed and because you have less stuff to dig through you're actually getting more done.