I'm sorry this has taken me so long to post. I know I've promised to put it up several times lately.
Here's the link to the images and details/thoughts on how I put my SB room together.
Organize your Brain - Remembering what was on your shopping list

Here's a simple trick to help you remember.
When your list is complete, review the list and count the number of items that are on the list.
When you get to the store, if you've forgotten your list, you'll find that if you look into your basket, and count the items, it will be easy to remember what you're missing, if anything.
Conversly, for some reason, it's simple for your brain to identify things that weren't on your list. So when you're counting the items, your brain, will say, "that wasn't on the list."
I don't know why it works, but it does. (I'm not claiming any scientific research, just personal experience.)
Try it the next time you go shopping.
- Make a list, count the items on the list, put the list in your handbag, or pocket.
- Try shopping by the numbers.
- Just before you get in the checkout line, count the items in your basket, if you've got the right number pull out your list and verify that you've got the right items.
Give it a try and let me know how you do. Maybe we'll ge a little "memory challenge" going!
shopping list
Don't leave your embellishments out!
I'm always amazed when I talk with ScrapRack customers at a show or convention and as they look through our sample ScrapRack they say - "I never thought I could put my embellishments in my ScrapRack."
If you have a SR or you're considering a SR purchase I hope you'll get the most out of your SR by using it for "EVERYTHING!" and that includes embellishments. Even things like Glitter can be included. Simply put these tiny things, eyelets, brads, beads, glitter, charms, etc.... in small ziplock type bags.
Once you've filled the ziplock bags, you can just slip the bag into a pocket page in the correct section of your ScrapRack, whether it's Rainbow, Theme, Holiday, or Alpha-numeric. The next time you Craft, you'll be far more likely to use more of what you've got because it's at your finger tips.

If you have a SR or you're considering a SR purchase I hope you'll get the most out of your SR by using it for "EVERYTHING!" and that includes embellishments. Even things like Glitter can be included. Simply put these tiny things, eyelets, brads, beads, glitter, charms, etc.... in small ziplock type bags.
![]() |
Glitter, eyelets, buttons..... |
Once you've filled the ziplock bags, you can just slip the bag into a pocket page in the correct section of your ScrapRack, whether it's Rainbow, Theme, Holiday, or Alpha-numeric. The next time you Craft, you'll be far more likely to use more of what you've got because it's at your finger tips.

Snowball of Success - The Discipline of Getting it All Done.
I got an email today from a gal that was finding it difficult to acutally put new things away as she brought them home. It seemed easier to her to just put them in a drawer and worry about them later. For those of you who have joined me for seminars or webinars, or just chatted with me at a show or convention, I'm sure you've heard me say - "It's got to be Easy." Easy is important, but so is feeling somehow rewarded for a task you've accomplished that you weren't excited to do. Here's my response to the email:
It will also help if you can find some "joy" or reward in following through with the step of actually putting things away. I know this sounds silly, but sometimes doing something as minor as writing down on your "to-do" list that you are going to "put _____ number of items in your ScrapRack", then doing it, then getting to cross it off your list, can be really rewarding and motivating. You could even just commit to an amount of time, write on your to-do list - "Spend 10 minutes putting Scrapbook Supplies in my ScrapRack." There's something very satisfying about crossing things off, getting that feeling of accomplishment. We often "judge" what is on our list, and only include major things or things we perceive as being "important", but putting a few truly "do-able" tasks on the list and then crossing them off generally motivates us to take on the more challenging tasks as well.
Hi M -
The discipline of actually putting things away immediately is the hardest part for many people. You need to make it easy on yourself to put the things away. I wouldn't suggest having empty pages in each section because they may never get filled up. I would suggest using a designated space for empty pages, maybe one of your drawers. Each time you bring home something new, you can go directly to that drawer, grab an empty page, put your supplies into it, pull the correct Spinder off the base unit, put the page in where it belongs, and replace the Spinder. It will also help if you can find some "joy" or reward in following through with the step of actually putting things away. I know this sounds silly, but sometimes doing something as minor as writing down on your "to-do" list that you are going to "put _____ number of items in your ScrapRack", then doing it, then getting to cross it off your list, can be really rewarding and motivating. You could even just commit to an amount of time, write on your to-do list - "Spend 10 minutes putting Scrapbook Supplies in my ScrapRack." There's something very satisfying about crossing things off, getting that feeling of accomplishment. We often "judge" what is on our list, and only include major things or things we perceive as being "important", but putting a few truly "do-able" tasks on the list and then crossing them off generally motivates us to take on the more challenging tasks as well.
I hope this helps. Let me know how it works out.
My kids sometimes make fun of what is on my list, simple things like, "read the paper", listen to a "particular radio show," - They'll ask, "Was it really necessary to write that down?" Well, at the end of the day if I have a list of 10 things and they are all crossed off I feel GREAT! I feel good about 5 things, but the more I cross off, the better I feel, and...The More I GET DONE!! It's a snowball of success. Don't be afraid to count the little stuff, it all adds up. If you think "picking up your kids from school" shouldn't be on your list, try not doing it one day and you'll find out how truly important that "mundane and simple" task is!!! :-)
Creating an online journal using Word
One of the challenges with journaling in our scrapbooks is having access to the information. You can create a simple online journal using a standard word processing program like Word. Follow these easy steps and you'll be journaling in no time.
Wow. That was easy! Now, when you need to access journaling notes you can open your Journal, click on the "Find" icon (small binoculars), put in a date or keyword, and your computer will take your right where you need to go! It's so simple.
- Open a new Word document.
- Save it As Journal on your Desktop.
- Start each entry with the date - consistency is key and details can be helpful, ie, instead of using just the numeric date, you may want to add a little more info: 12-16-2011, Friday, First day of Christmas Break...This of course isn't necessary for everyday, but if you think you may want to search by a particular piece of information it's good to include it in the dateline/title.
- Whether you prefer to write whole sentences, or bullet points doesn't matter.
- I always add the newest entries to the top of the first page. That way I don't have to scroll to the end to make an entry.
- If you use a SmartPhone, set up the document on your desktop to sync with the same document on your smart phone. That way if you want to note something while you're away from your computer the two documents will stay consistent.
- Finally, when you download pictures onto your computer, you can put a note right into the journal or even cut and paste the file path into the journal. When you're ready to scrap, it will be easy to find the images that go with the journal entry.
Wow. That was easy! Now, when you need to access journaling notes you can open your Journal, click on the "Find" icon (small binoculars), put in a date or keyword, and your computer will take your right where you need to go! It's so simple.
Tiny Tasks - Huge Results, 3 things you can organize in the next 30 minutes.
Sometimes the idea of getting organized is overwhleming in and of itself. The truth is, if you can tackle a few small tasks you'll be inspired by the results. Try these easy to accomplish projects to see if you catch Organization Fever. Each of them should be completed in less than 10 minutes.
All you'll need is a garbage bag and a recycling bin.
1 - Medicine Cabinet
2 - Junk Drawer
Most homes have a JD somewhere in the kitchen. As you go through your JD, you'll probably discover everything in it actually belongs somewhere else. Put those things away. Throw away those outdated coupons, put the recipes in your kitchen binder, move the pencils and pens (if they still work) to the pencil holder by the phone. Set another goal - if you haven't used it in a certain amount of time and it doesn't have a home elsewhere, toss it! If your Junk Drawer is filled with Owner's Manuals, Recipe booklets and other similar items, get a package of Ring Binder Insert Strips and put all of those things into a notebook or two.
3.) Mail Call
Grab that giant pile of mail on your counter, walk directly to the recycle bin. THROW away everything that isn't addressed specifically to you or a member of your household. Open each envelope, toss away the advertisements, if you pay your bills on line, toss away the return envelopes. What to do with the advertisements and catalogs that do have your name on them? Is there anything on your current shopping list that might be in those advertisements? If so, put them in a pile separate from the bills. If not, toss them away as well, trust me, you'll have another advertisement offering the "best price of the season" in your mailbox within the next 14 days. Finally file away the papers you need to keep; Bills to Pay, Statements, Coupons, etc.
Ready, Set, Organize! Let me know how it works!
All you'll need is a garbage bag and a recycling bin.
1 - Medicine Cabinet
Medicine cabinets tend be a safe haven for all kinds of things we don't want to think about. The truth is, most things in the medicine cabinet including cometics have a manufacturer suggested expiration date or use by date. Other products stack up in the medicine cabinet even though we weren't happy with the results or because they were given to us as a "gift with purchase". Before you open the cabinet, or drawer jot down a quick goal. "I'm going to throw away any product I haven't used in the last _______". The blank may be 6 months, 9 months or a year. Regardless of the goal you'll feel great about finally getting rid of the stuff you've been knocking off the shelf each time you reach for something you really need.
2 - Junk Drawer
Most homes have a JD somewhere in the kitchen. As you go through your JD, you'll probably discover everything in it actually belongs somewhere else. Put those things away. Throw away those outdated coupons, put the recipes in your kitchen binder, move the pencils and pens (if they still work) to the pencil holder by the phone. Set another goal - if you haven't used it in a certain amount of time and it doesn't have a home elsewhere, toss it! If your Junk Drawer is filled with Owner's Manuals, Recipe booklets and other similar items, get a package of Ring Binder Insert Strips and put all of those things into a notebook or two.
3.) Mail Call
Grab that giant pile of mail on your counter, walk directly to the recycle bin. THROW away everything that isn't addressed specifically to you or a member of your household. Open each envelope, toss away the advertisements, if you pay your bills on line, toss away the return envelopes. What to do with the advertisements and catalogs that do have your name on them? Is there anything on your current shopping list that might be in those advertisements? If so, put them in a pile separate from the bills. If not, toss them away as well, trust me, you'll have another advertisement offering the "best price of the season" in your mailbox within the next 14 days. Finally file away the papers you need to keep; Bills to Pay, Statements, Coupons, etc.
Ready, Set, Organize! Let me know how it works!
Cricut Cartridge Storage and Organization
The best way to organize and store your Cricut Cartridges is by using a Catalog and Numbering System. This system allows you to add cartridges to your collection, without having to “rearrange” or “re-organize” your existing cartridges. To use this system, you can either leave your cartridges, booklets and overlays in their original cases, or you can remove them from their cases and store them in a Cricut Cartridge Tote or Cricut Cartridge Storage Case. Regardless of the storage method you choose, the catalog system will remain the same.
The first decision you need to make is whether you plan to keep the cartridges in their original box or if you plan to condense them down using one of the storage tools mentioned earlier. If you plan to use one of the storage tools mentioned earlier, you may want consider keeping the boxes stored elsewhere, just in case you decide to sell the cartridge at a later date.
Start by numbering each of the Cricut boxes, cartridges, booklets, and overlays. If the box is labeled # 1, then the corresponding cartridge, booklet and overlay will all also be labeled #1.
Your next step is to collect the images of the shapes on each of the cartridges you own. You can either photocopy the back of the box or you can get the images directly off the Cricut Website. In either case it will be helpful and beneficial later to have the images stored both digitally and physically printed out. At minimum I would recommend 2 copies of each printout. The first for the appropriate section in your 4 Section System, and the second for a separate catalog. When you print out the image(s), give that printout(s) the same number as the corresponding cartridge, in this case #1. Generally most of the cartridges deal with a single “theme”, but in some cases, they may be appropriate for multiple themes. If the cartridge is appropriate for multiple themes, you will want to print out an equal number of images, so you can include one labeled (numbered) image in each section of your 4 Section System where appropriate. For example, if you had a Travel cartridge, that included lots of travel icons and also an alphabet, you would want to include an image of that cartridge in both the Travel Section and in the Alpha Numeric section.

Once you’ve printed out and numbered the images to match the numbers on the Cartridges, Booklets and Overlays, you can put the images into your 4 Section System, and into your Cricut Catalog (this may be easily combined with your stamps, punches, etc…catalog).
Your final step is to label the Cricut original box (if that is your storage method of choice) or the containers (Cartridge Tote or Storage Case) that you have chosen. Once this is done, you can put the cartridges, booklets and overlays into the appropriate container.
When you’re ready to crop, the image of the Cricut cartridge will “pop up” in the appropriate section(s) of your 4 Section System. In our example Travel; when you are scrapping Travel and you go to that section in your ScrapRack, you’ll see that cartridge image, the number on the image will tell you exactly where to find the cartridge, whether it is in a box or in a storage tote or case.
The first decision you need to make is whether you plan to keep the cartridges in their original box or if you plan to condense them down using one of the storage tools mentioned earlier. If you plan to use one of the storage tools mentioned earlier, you may want consider keeping the boxes stored elsewhere, just in case you decide to sell the cartridge at a later date.
Start by numbering each of the Cricut boxes, cartridges, booklets, and overlays. If the box is labeled # 1, then the corresponding cartridge, booklet and overlay will all also be labeled #1.
Your next step is to collect the images of the shapes on each of the cartridges you own. You can either photocopy the back of the box or you can get the images directly off the Cricut Website. In either case it will be helpful and beneficial later to have the images stored both digitally and physically printed out. At minimum I would recommend 2 copies of each printout. The first for the appropriate section in your 4 Section System, and the second for a separate catalog. When you print out the image(s), give that printout(s) the same number as the corresponding cartridge, in this case #1. Generally most of the cartridges deal with a single “theme”, but in some cases, they may be appropriate for multiple themes. If the cartridge is appropriate for multiple themes, you will want to print out an equal number of images, so you can include one labeled (numbered) image in each section of your 4 Section System where appropriate. For example, if you had a Travel cartridge, that included lots of travel icons and also an alphabet, you would want to include an image of that cartridge in both the Travel Section and in the Alpha Numeric section.

Once you’ve printed out and numbered the images to match the numbers on the Cartridges, Booklets and Overlays, you can put the images into your 4 Section System, and into your Cricut Catalog (this may be easily combined with your stamps, punches, etc…catalog).
Your final step is to label the Cricut original box (if that is your storage method of choice) or the containers (Cartridge Tote or Storage Case) that you have chosen. Once this is done, you can put the cartridges, booklets and overlays into the appropriate container.
When you’re ready to crop, the image of the Cricut cartridge will “pop up” in the appropriate section(s) of your 4 Section System. In our example Travel; when you are scrapping Travel and you go to that section in your ScrapRack, you’ll see that cartridge image, the number on the image will tell you exactly where to find the cartridge, whether it is in a box or in a storage tote or case.
The Magnetic Crafting Easel
Hi Crafty Ladies -
We've had so many questions about the Magnetic Easel that I thought I'd create a video to explain it better.
We've had so many questions about the Magnetic Easel that I thought I'd create a video to explain it better.
If you want to learn more about this easel, you can get more details on our website. Here's the link: http://thescraprack.easystorecreator.com/items/Special-Purchase/list.htm .
Organizing Photos for Multiple Albums
For those of you who have been a part of the Get Organized Challenge, you’ve heard me talk about the value of creating “holding albums.” Holding albums work great especially when you’re on track with a particular scrapbooking project. However, I, like most scrappers tend to be just “slightly” behind . My project last week was to get all of my photos that had been sorted by year and by event into groups by album. This was somewhat challenging on a number of levels:
1.) I create 3 sets of albums, one for each of my sons (London and Max) and one for myself.
2.) I have 2 different sizes of albums going (8.5 x 11 from when I first started and now 12x12).
3.) I had created some pages of some events for all 3 albums, but wasn’t consistent.
The hardest part:
The biggest challenge was just sitting down with a notebook and listing what I had created for each album and what still needed to be created. I have to admit while I dreaded this part of the project it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it might be. I started by opening all of the albums together and flipping through them so I could see each event in each book. That made it easy to list what was completed and what was missing. This part of the process actually only took about 15 minutes. I scribbled down notes in 3 columns; Family, London and Max.

Next Step:
My next step was to cut lots of sheets of 8.5x11 paper in half and label each piece of paper with the themes/events/holidays, etc. that were missing from each album. I used a different color of paper to represent each person’s album. This isn’t necessary, but it helped to keep me focused when I was choosing pictures. I also noted which size album and how many pages I wanted for each event. As I created these labeled half sheets I crossed them off the list.
Choosing pictures:
My goal was to choose 6 pictures for each 12x12 layout and just 4 pictures for the 8.5x11 books. It really helps to make this decision in advance. You want to try to avoid creating 6 pages of your adorable 18 month old eating an Ice Cream cone. If you know you only get to choose 4 pictures for a single page layout it will be much easier to decide and move on.
Since the photos were already sorted into chronological order it was easy to go through them and make selections for each album. Any pictures that were left over went into my purge box. It was easier than you might think to put them in the purge box, because I knew I had what I needed for my scrapbooks. I was also able to comfortably toss out “bad” pictures.
As I choose the pictures I wrapped them in the half sheets of labeled paper and put them in my READY to SCRAP photo box – again, in chronological order.
I tried to keep the “purge” box in some type of chronological order. When my family visits, I’ll let my mom, sister, mother-in-law, whoever is interested, look through the photos and take what they want. After the purge box has made the rounds, I’ll be able to confidently throw whatever is left away.
The Big Benefit
I’ll confess that it did take a few hours to get through the literally thousands of pictures that I had, but it was sooooo worth it! I went from over 4 photo storage boxes, down to just 2. There were several Labeled sheets, that I didn’t have printed photos for. I left these “empty” sheets in the photo boxes, in chronological order so when I come across them again, I will know I need to track down the photos on the computer.
Maybe now I’ll get “caught up” – LOL.

Start with the list!
Invest a little time in making lists of what is in your books and what is missing. This will REALLY help in the sorting process. If you have to constantly be going back to the albums to verify what you have / have not done it will get frustrating and overwhelming. My list initially just had “what was missing,” but I found myself constantly going back to verify what was “done”, so it ended up being more efficient to include both “missing” and “done” on the list.
Prior to sorting:
Decide how many pictures you will allow yourself to choose for each page size / layout.
Decide how many layouts you will do for each event prior to sorting through the pictures.
Set yourself up for success.
Be sure you have all the tools you need; photos, photo storage boxes, paper, pens, etc. before you sit down to get started. If you have to leave your project to hunt for things you’ll get distracted.
1.) I create 3 sets of albums, one for each of my sons (London and Max) and one for myself.
2.) I have 2 different sizes of albums going (8.5 x 11 from when I first started and now 12x12).
3.) I had created some pages of some events for all 3 albums, but wasn’t consistent.
The hardest part:
The biggest challenge was just sitting down with a notebook and listing what I had created for each album and what still needed to be created. I have to admit while I dreaded this part of the project it wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought it might be. I started by opening all of the albums together and flipping through them so I could see each event in each book. That made it easy to list what was completed and what was missing. This part of the process actually only took about 15 minutes. I scribbled down notes in 3 columns; Family, London and Max.
Next Step:
My next step was to cut lots of sheets of 8.5x11 paper in half and label each piece of paper with the themes/events/holidays, etc. that were missing from each album. I used a different color of paper to represent each person’s album. This isn’t necessary, but it helped to keep me focused when I was choosing pictures. I also noted which size album and how many pages I wanted for each event. As I created these labeled half sheets I crossed them off the list.
Choosing pictures:
My goal was to choose 6 pictures for each 12x12 layout and just 4 pictures for the 8.5x11 books. It really helps to make this decision in advance. You want to try to avoid creating 6 pages of your adorable 18 month old eating an Ice Cream cone. If you know you only get to choose 4 pictures for a single page layout it will be much easier to decide and move on.
Since the photos were already sorted into chronological order it was easy to go through them and make selections for each album. Any pictures that were left over went into my purge box. It was easier than you might think to put them in the purge box, because I knew I had what I needed for my scrapbooks. I was also able to comfortably toss out “bad” pictures.
As I choose the pictures I wrapped them in the half sheets of labeled paper and put them in my READY to SCRAP photo box – again, in chronological order.
I tried to keep the “purge” box in some type of chronological order. When my family visits, I’ll let my mom, sister, mother-in-law, whoever is interested, look through the photos and take what they want. After the purge box has made the rounds, I’ll be able to confidently throw whatever is left away.
The Big Benefit
I’ll confess that it did take a few hours to get through the literally thousands of pictures that I had, but it was sooooo worth it! I went from over 4 photo storage boxes, down to just 2. There were several Labeled sheets, that I didn’t have printed photos for. I left these “empty” sheets in the photo boxes, in chronological order so when I come across them again, I will know I need to track down the photos on the computer.
Maybe now I’ll get “caught up” – LOL.
Tips and Tricks
Start with the list!
Invest a little time in making lists of what is in your books and what is missing. This will REALLY help in the sorting process. If you have to constantly be going back to the albums to verify what you have / have not done it will get frustrating and overwhelming. My list initially just had “what was missing,” but I found myself constantly going back to verify what was “done”, so it ended up being more efficient to include both “missing” and “done” on the list.
Prior to sorting:
Decide how many pictures you will allow yourself to choose for each page size / layout.
Decide how many layouts you will do for each event prior to sorting through the pictures.
Set yourself up for success.
Be sure you have all the tools you need; photos, photo storage boxes, paper, pens, etc. before you sit down to get started. If you have to leave your project to hunt for things you’ll get distracted.
photo organization,
ScrapRack Scrapbook Room
I know I've been promising to post something about my Scrapbook Room at the office for a couple of months. Well, I finally got around to doing it. Here's the first picture.
Click here to see the start to finish pictures. Thanks for your patience while I got this done!
PS - Do you need help getting organized? Join our FB Get Organized Challenge group!
Shopping Organized with Diana Dawson
It's so much fun to see ideas put into action. I was thrilled to see that Diana had shown up at the Great American Scrapbook Convention in Arlington with her "Shopping Spinder" in tow. I was even more delighted to see that she had added the cover sheets from her BasicGrey Collection into the spinder. A clever way to know what you have and what you need!! Great Job Diana. Here are some of the details on how Diana has created her "Shopping Spinder".
In Diana's words - This spinder contains; 1) the shopping list and specific vendor interests, 2) the Coloring Agents from my manufacturers catalog [no more duplicates], and 3) the packaged paper sets from my “Themes” section to color coordinate purchases.
In Diana's words - This spinder contains; 1) the shopping list and specific vendor interests, 2) the Coloring Agents from my manufacturers catalog [no more duplicates], and 3) the packaged paper sets from my “Themes” section to color coordinate purchases.
This is my manufacturers’ catalog, which is a result of Organization Challenges #6 & 7. The 8 ½ x 11 pages list Coloring Agents and is the part I took shopping. The 12 x 12 pages have representations of dies, embossing folders and punches (still working on stamps). I wasn’t planning on purchases from this category so it stayed home.
This is my ‘packaged paper” spinder that came about during Organization Challenge #2. It contains a cover page to each paper set and a sticky note that lists whether there is coordinating ribbon, embellishment or color cardstock needs.
Diana and I at the Convention. I really want to thank Diana for taking the time to share the organizational "fruits of her labor" with me and to encourage you to do the same. I love to see what's been produced, changed, modified, or created! Hope you all are having a wonderful summer!
ScrapRack Divider Update
I just got word today that the Dividers have been booked on a ship and should arrive here around the 10th of June. If you are on our email list we'll send out an email as soon as they arrive. You can also sign up on the website for notification of when we will open them up for ordering. Generally we will let the ordering begin a week before they actually arrive in the port.
We expect the remaining pages (Sideloader Singles, WrapAround FiberBoards, and the new Sweet Sixteen) to arrive around the end of June or first week of July.
Click here to join the NOTIFY ME List for the Dividers.
We expect the remaining pages (Sideloader Singles, WrapAround FiberBoards, and the new Sweet Sixteen) to arrive around the end of June or first week of July.
Click here to join the NOTIFY ME List for the Dividers.
Great American Scrapbook Show - Arlington, TX
The first weekend of June is The Great American Scrapbook Show in Arlington, Texas. If you're planning on attending the show please stop by our booth and say "Howdy"! We love to put faces with names. I have to confess I love going to this show for a couple of reasons, not the least of which is that it is usually WARM!!! The Pacific Northwest is a beautiful place to live, but I never quite thaw out.
Spellbinders Nestabilities - How to store them in your ScrapRack
Hi Crafters -
Are you looking for a great way to store and organize your Spellbinders Nestabilities? The ScrapRack is your perfect solution. It's so easy - you just need a few basic supplies:
Magnetic Cloth
A Ruler
A piece of chalk or other marking devise
Your Spellbinders or other brand of dies
It's so easy. The magnetic cloth can be cut into the perfect shape to hold each of your dies or die sets. Once the cloth is cut, put the dies onto the magnet and then slip the magnet sheet into your pocket pages.
Get the step by step details on how to do this on our website.
Organizing your Spellbinders Nestabilities Dies with your ScrapRack - Click here to read the article and learn more.
If you've got other great ideas about how to sort, store and organize your supplies into your ScrapRack please email us your ideas. We'd love to share them with our crafting community.
Join our Facebook Groups - Click here
Are you looking for a great way to store and organize your Spellbinders Nestabilities? The ScrapRack is your perfect solution. It's so easy - you just need a few basic supplies:
Magnetic Cloth
A Ruler
A piece of chalk or other marking devise
Your Spellbinders or other brand of dies
It's so easy. The magnetic cloth can be cut into the perfect shape to hold each of your dies or die sets. Once the cloth is cut, put the dies onto the magnet and then slip the magnet sheet into your pocket pages.
Get the step by step details on how to do this on our website.
Organizing your Spellbinders Nestabilities Dies with your ScrapRack - Click here to read the article and learn more.
If you've got other great ideas about how to sort, store and organize your supplies into your ScrapRack please email us your ideas. We'd love to share them with our crafting community.
Join our Facebook Groups - Click here
Yes, you can store your cardmaking supplies in your ScrapRack
Hi Crafters -
I've been asked on a number of occasions about storing card making supplies in The ScrapRack. I know the pockets aren't a perfect fit for all of the card sizes, but the Fabulous Four Storage Page will fit most of them. Here are a couple of examples.
You can also store your other card making supplies in you ScrapRack. You may want to start a totally separate section for card making supplies and maybe a section for completed cards too!
I've been asked on a number of occasions about storing card making supplies in The ScrapRack. I know the pockets aren't a perfect fit for all of the card sizes, but the Fabulous Four Storage Page will fit most of them. Here are a couple of examples.
You can also store your other card making supplies in you ScrapRack. You may want to start a totally separate section for card making supplies and maybe a section for completed cards too!
Visit the Pages Department on our website to view the different page designs we have available. Click Here
Paper Storage and Organization
Howdy Crafters -
This week's Get Organized Challenge Webinar was Paper Storage and organization. Teaching the webinar inspired me to write a brief article, record a short "how-to" video and to put the Paper Storage Combo Kit on SALE (you'll save 20% - that's $15.00) on the website. If you're struggling with Paper Storage, I hope you'll take a few minutes to read the article or watch the video. Click here to read or watch now.
I also posted some new pictures of "how to decorate" your Paper Storage boxes.
If you've already decorated your boxes I'd love to see pictures of what you've done and share your ideas with other scrappers. You can email them to us at CustomerService@TheScrapRack.com .
See more ideas for decorating your boxes - click here.
This week's Get Organized Challenge Webinar was Paper Storage and organization. Teaching the webinar inspired me to write a brief article, record a short "how-to" video and to put the Paper Storage Combo Kit on SALE (you'll save 20% - that's $15.00) on the website. If you're struggling with Paper Storage, I hope you'll take a few minutes to read the article or watch the video. Click here to read or watch now.
I also posted some new pictures of "how to decorate" your Paper Storage boxes.
If you've already decorated your boxes I'd love to see pictures of what you've done and share your ideas with other scrappers. You can email them to us at CustomerService@TheScrapRack.com .
See more ideas for decorating your boxes - click here.
The St. Louis Creating Keepsakes Convention and one really great Lipstick
Hi Ladies -
We are at the ST. Louis Creating Keepsakes Convention today. If you're in the area come by and say "HOWDY". Also, I wanted share with you one thing that is totally unrelated to crafting.
I have discovered the WORLD'S GREATED LIPSTICK!!!
I've been a diehard Lancome girl most of my life. When I saw the advertisement for the new Maybelline 24 hour Super Stay Lipstick I wrote if off as another gimick, but I kept thinking about it, and thinking about it, and finally I went to Target and bought one. Guess what it REALLY WORKS! I put on lipstick, eat, drink, talk.....everything all day, and when I get home the lipstick is STILL on my lips!! It's amazing. What do I have to say about that , "Bye, Bye $22 Lancome, Hello $8 Maybelline."
We are at the ST. Louis Creating Keepsakes Convention today. If you're in the area come by and say "HOWDY". Also, I wanted share with you one thing that is totally unrelated to crafting.
I have discovered the WORLD'S GREATED LIPSTICK!!!
I've been a diehard Lancome girl most of my life. When I saw the advertisement for the new Maybelline 24 hour Super Stay Lipstick I wrote if off as another gimick, but I kept thinking about it, and thinking about it, and finally I went to Target and bought one. Guess what it REALLY WORKS! I put on lipstick, eat, drink, talk.....everything all day, and when I get home the lipstick is STILL on my lips!! It's amazing. What do I have to say about that , "Bye, Bye $22 Lancome, Hello $8 Maybelline."
Applying the Principles
Hi Ladies -
I know many of you were participants in our recent Get Organized Challenge. Based on the emails and Facebook responses I've been getting/reading, I would have to say the Challenge was very successful. I have also heard from several participants about how the principles of the webinar have flowed over into other parts of their lives.
If you're feeling overwhelmed by some other organization task, be it a drawer, a closet, or an entire room, try applying the principles we learned in the Challenge to the task at hand. Here's a great email from one of the Challenge participants:
I just applied the principle of small areas at a time--sometimes just one drawer or shelf. Finish that one and move on to the next. I had a box handy for items that were misplaced and needed to go elsewhere, another for box for charity, and of course, the garbage can. Liberal use of the latter I might add. It is quite amazing how "stuff" builds up and accumulates when you're not looking.
One of the major things I did, and am so glad I finally did it, was to rearrange the upstairs laundry area. There are two shelves, one up high and one lower (note: I am only 5' 1"). I had always had the cleaning supplies on the high shelf and extra toiletries down low. Duh! I need to clean more often than I need a new bottle of baby powder. Got out the stepstool, took everything off both shelves, and moved the cleaning supplies down and the toiletries up. So much handier.
Of course, my cats have been very useful in the cleaning process, checking out every open drawer and cupboard. They "snoopervise" well, though don't help in the cleaning.
My husband is dutifully going through his To-Do list for today and hopefully will attack his closet soon. Not holding my breath though, as he's more likely to decide a nap is more necessary.
Take care, Jeanne
If you've used the information from the webinar series to help you with organization in other parts of your home/life. Please share them with me so I can forward them on to others.
Our next Craft Organization Challenge starts on Tuesday, April 12th. Here's a link to the details about the series. - Get Organized Challenge.
Happy (and well organized) Crafting,
I know many of you were participants in our recent Get Organized Challenge. Based on the emails and Facebook responses I've been getting/reading, I would have to say the Challenge was very successful. I have also heard from several participants about how the principles of the webinar have flowed over into other parts of their lives.
If you're feeling overwhelmed by some other organization task, be it a drawer, a closet, or an entire room, try applying the principles we learned in the Challenge to the task at hand. Here's a great email from one of the Challenge participants:
I just applied the principle of small areas at a time--sometimes just one drawer or shelf. Finish that one and move on to the next. I had a box handy for items that were misplaced and needed to go elsewhere, another for box for charity, and of course, the garbage can. Liberal use of the latter I might add. It is quite amazing how "stuff" builds up and accumulates when you're not looking.
One of the major things I did, and am so glad I finally did it, was to rearrange the upstairs laundry area. There are two shelves, one up high and one lower (note: I am only 5' 1"). I had always had the cleaning supplies on the high shelf and extra toiletries down low. Duh! I need to clean more often than I need a new bottle of baby powder. Got out the stepstool, took everything off both shelves, and moved the cleaning supplies down and the toiletries up. So much handier.
Of course, my cats have been very useful in the cleaning process, checking out every open drawer and cupboard. They "snoopervise" well, though don't help in the cleaning.
My husband is dutifully going through his To-Do list for today and hopefully will attack his closet soon. Not holding my breath though, as he's more likely to decide a nap is more necessary.
Take care, Jeanne
If you've used the information from the webinar series to help you with organization in other parts of your home/life. Please share them with me so I can forward them on to others.
Our next Craft Organization Challenge starts on Tuesday, April 12th. Here's a link to the details about the series. - Get Organized Challenge.
Happy (and well organized) Crafting,
Webinar #4 Photo Storage and Organization was posted today.
Hi -
I'm so sorry for the delay in getting Webinar #4 - A Plethora of Pictures posted to the website. It is finally up today with decent sound quality. I truly appreciate your patience. Click Here to get to the Webinar Challenge Page on our site.
Many of you asked about the storage boxes I use for photos. I use a 16qt Sterlite box. It is a little larger than your average photo storage box which allows me to use the 8.5x11 sheets of paper to separate my photo groups. They really work well. I'm sure I bought them at Target, but the Sterlite brand is very common so you should be able to find them anywhere.
Here's the image from the Photo Organization Webinar presentation.
I'm so sorry for the delay in getting Webinar #4 - A Plethora of Pictures posted to the website. It is finally up today with decent sound quality. I truly appreciate your patience. Click Here to get to the Webinar Challenge Page on our site.
Many of you asked about the storage boxes I use for photos. I use a 16qt Sterlite box. It is a little larger than your average photo storage box which allows me to use the 8.5x11 sheets of paper to separate my photo groups. They really work well. I'm sure I bought them at Target, but the Sterlite brand is very common so you should be able to find them anywhere.
Here's the image from the Photo Organization Webinar presentation.
Hope to see you all next Tuesday!
Update on the Border Hoarder
Hi Ladies -
I got an update from Jean our friendly neighborhood, self-descibed, Borderline Horder. Here's the latest from her double-scrap rooms. I've included some images below. Click on them to enlarge.
Hi Tif!
I made some tremendous strides this past weekend. Like many others, I to had today (MLK day) off so I concentrated on my two craft rooms PLUS my bedroom which was holding "overflow" of materials. I still don't have everything in its proper place, but I have at least gotten boxes filled with embellishments galore plus other scrapbooking/cardmaking goodies. I have them stacked up in one corner so now I will be able to take out one box at a time and either find a home for the articles in my scraprack, place them in a labeled drawer or purge (oh no...did I say purge??? good grief). I can now actually walk...yes, walk into the rooms! I have also found more numbered stamps I had done on computer paper and have placed them in page protectors and straight into the scraprack. My next accomplishment was sorting through the mounds of 12x12 paper. I have sorted them into colors (plain ones at least) as well as those specialty papers into sections (Christmas, Halloween, Valentine day, etc) for the calendar section. Currently I plan on putting the fewer ones (V-day, b-day) into the scraprack. I will next have to go through the mountain of mixed papers which contain swirls, dots, lines, flowers, etc and match them up to a primary color section.
I feel really, really good about what I got accomplished these past three days!! yippee for me!!! Oh, and I have placed a great deal of ribbon spools on a large door mounted old fashioned canned goods rack I purchased at an antique store. There are 6 shelves on this thing that'll hold more than enough space for ribbon.
I will check in tomorrow for the webinar...hopefully I'll get on to listen. I don't have a microfone attached to my computer, but I can use the clapping hands...thats for sure!
I am looking forward to your challenge coming up and am interested in what the others will share as well. I am always open for suggestions...I have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
The pics are of my Christmas stamp/embellishment area, asst. fibers I found and then of my paper/book wall. I still have my previous stamp wall which is located in my second craft room. That hasn't changed. I can however, lay claim to fame that the closet in the second room has been cleaned out and all craft items have found homes in my drawers or with others! Success comes in small steps.
So, thanks for all the hints and I look forward to further help. I see there are others out there with the same tasks to undertake. Baby steps is all I can say......and lots of breaks!
Take care. Jean aka borderhoarder
Oh, by the way, I am a member of a monthly card/stamp club so those stamps just keep multiplying! eeekk!
I got an update from Jean our friendly neighborhood, self-descibed, Borderline Horder. Here's the latest from her double-scrap rooms. I've included some images below. Click on them to enlarge.
Hi Tif!
I made some tremendous strides this past weekend. Like many others, I to had today (MLK day) off so I concentrated on my two craft rooms PLUS my bedroom which was holding "overflow" of materials. I still don't have everything in its proper place, but I have at least gotten boxes filled with embellishments galore plus other scrapbooking/cardmaking goodies. I have them stacked up in one corner so now I will be able to take out one box at a time and either find a home for the articles in my scraprack, place them in a labeled drawer or purge (oh no...did I say purge??? good grief). I can now actually walk...yes, walk into the rooms! I have also found more numbered stamps I had done on computer paper and have placed them in page protectors and straight into the scraprack. My next accomplishment was sorting through the mounds of 12x12 paper. I have sorted them into colors (plain ones at least) as well as those specialty papers into sections (Christmas, Halloween, Valentine day, etc) for the calendar section. Currently I plan on putting the fewer ones (V-day, b-day) into the scraprack. I will next have to go through the mountain of mixed papers which contain swirls, dots, lines, flowers, etc and match them up to a primary color section.
I feel really, really good about what I got accomplished these past three days!! yippee for me!!! Oh, and I have placed a great deal of ribbon spools on a large door mounted old fashioned canned goods rack I purchased at an antique store. There are 6 shelves on this thing that'll hold more than enough space for ribbon.
I will check in tomorrow for the webinar...hopefully I'll get on to listen. I don't have a microfone attached to my computer, but I can use the clapping hands...thats for sure!
Jean's Paper Stamp catalog, empty shelves and labeled stamp boxes.
Hi Tif!
The Christmas/New Years holiday slowed me down, but I did manage to put a small, okay, tiny, dent in my organization. I have now captured 1576+ stamps and have the majority of them in their categories. As you can see, Christmas area is doing well followed up by Halloween, Thanksgiving and then my beloved pigs! I had to have a section of pig stamps all by themselves. I love, love, love pigs! I have also been able to get a good start on the paper and instruction manual area as well.
I must say that I have had to take breaks from the stamps from time to time because it feels so overwhelming. Hence why the paper started getting organized by colors. I think however, I may reconsider and start putting them by theme/calendar instead. I tend to over-think the process. I am still feeling my way around what works best for me. I am looking forward to your challenge coming up and am interested in what the others will share as well. I am always open for suggestions...I have nothing to lose and everything to gain!
The pics are of my Christmas stamp/embellishment area, asst. fibers I found and then of my paper/book wall. I still have my previous stamp wall which is located in my second craft room. That hasn't changed. I can however, lay claim to fame that the closet in the second room has been cleaned out and all craft items have found homes in my drawers or with others! Success comes in small steps.
So, thanks for all the hints and I look forward to further help. I see there are others out there with the same tasks to undertake. Baby steps is all I can say......and lots of breaks!
Take care. Jean aka borderhoarder
Oh, by the way, I am a member of a monthly card/stamp club so those stamps just keep multiplying! eeekk!
Ode to my ScrapRack by Julianne S.
Hi Ladies -
I got this wonderful email and thought I would share it with you all.
All my life I dreamed of a room dedicated to crafting and when the dream was realized, I was so disappointed that I couldn't stand to be in there since the room was a huge mess. I tried bins, but then had to haul half a closet out to figure out which bin things were in. I'd get frustrated, go buy something that I "knew" I already had and then haul everything to work on my project into the kitchen since I'd made a huge mess in the craft room and didn't want to have to clean it up prior to starting.
I found out about your product when another user recommended it to me. I was asking in an online chat room for the best way to organize scrapbooking supplies, and was told that this was the best way - hands down. I watched your video on YouTube and fell completely in love with the whole concept. I only received it about a week ago and have literally incorporated almost an entire closet into the space at the top shelf of my waist-high bookcase.
I have almost finished loading my entire scrapbooking collection into the scraprack and it's amazing how much fit. I was absolutely shocked to realize how much duplication there was in there - what a waste of money! I think it will probably pay for itself just by helping locate something so quickly and keeping me from running to the store for something that I have and can't find.
I was double checking my system (to be sure that it matched your system - you genius you) when I saw online about the knitting needles and crochet hooks. WOW! What a great idea! I immediately went online and ordered an additional base and spinders. That will be my next project and section when they arrive. Guess I'll be ordering additional pockets for that, too! LOL
Today as I was reviewing your ideas again, it came to me that I could copy the fronts of my over 100 sewing patterns and put them into the scraprack, too. Since I have a ton of now-empty bins, I think I'll do like you did for the stamps. I'll just mark down which number bin that pattern is in and Viola! I'll find it. This also solves another problem for me. When the pattern has a jacket and a skirt, where do you file it? I plan to make separate sections on spinders for jackets and skirts and "AHA" I can make two copies file it in both and easily figure out what my options are. Another frustration and money saver. Plus I'll only have to hunt through one bin!
Needless to say, I am delighted with my scraprack and excited to see what uses other cross-crafters have found for it. I know that I will be much happier spreading out on my craft room table - now that I can see it! :) Your clever little invention has helped me realize my craft-room dream!
Did I say thank you? Please accept my sincere thanks - you have really improved my life. Turns out that crafting as a relaxing hobby was stressing me out. But no longer - I feel like I should have a party just so I can show this baby off! LOL
Julianne S.
I got this wonderful email and thought I would share it with you all.
All my life I dreamed of a room dedicated to crafting and when the dream was realized, I was so disappointed that I couldn't stand to be in there since the room was a huge mess. I tried bins, but then had to haul half a closet out to figure out which bin things were in. I'd get frustrated, go buy something that I "knew" I already had and then haul everything to work on my project into the kitchen since I'd made a huge mess in the craft room and didn't want to have to clean it up prior to starting.
I found out about your product when another user recommended it to me. I was asking in an online chat room for the best way to organize scrapbooking supplies, and was told that this was the best way - hands down. I watched your video on YouTube and fell completely in love with the whole concept. I only received it about a week ago and have literally incorporated almost an entire closet into the space at the top shelf of my waist-high bookcase.
I have almost finished loading my entire scrapbooking collection into the scraprack and it's amazing how much fit. I was absolutely shocked to realize how much duplication there was in there - what a waste of money! I think it will probably pay for itself just by helping locate something so quickly and keeping me from running to the store for something that I have and can't find.
I was double checking my system (to be sure that it matched your system - you genius you) when I saw online about the knitting needles and crochet hooks. WOW! What a great idea! I immediately went online and ordered an additional base and spinders. That will be my next project and section when they arrive. Guess I'll be ordering additional pockets for that, too! LOL
Today as I was reviewing your ideas again, it came to me that I could copy the fronts of my over 100 sewing patterns and put them into the scraprack, too. Since I have a ton of now-empty bins, I think I'll do like you did for the stamps. I'll just mark down which number bin that pattern is in and Viola! I'll find it. This also solves another problem for me. When the pattern has a jacket and a skirt, where do you file it? I plan to make separate sections on spinders for jackets and skirts and "AHA" I can make two copies file it in both and easily figure out what my options are. Another frustration and money saver. Plus I'll only have to hunt through one bin!
Needless to say, I am delighted with my scraprack and excited to see what uses other cross-crafters have found for it. I know that I will be much happier spreading out on my craft room table - now that I can see it! :) Your clever little invention has helped me realize my craft-room dream!
Did I say thank you? Please accept my sincere thanks - you have really improved my life. Turns out that crafting as a relaxing hobby was stressing me out. But no longer - I feel like I should have a party just so I can show this baby off! LOL
Julianne S.
Scrapbook supply Storage and Organization Questions
I've gotten so many questions since we started the Organization Challenge, that I thought I would share the questions and answers right here on my blog. Please feel free to share this information with your scrapping/crafting pals who might need a little help getting organized.
Question - Verticle Storage vs. Shelf Storage
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 11:06 PM
Subject: storing paper
I've been following the webinars but I'm still a little confused -- is the best way to store paper vertical or horizontal? I had been using paper trays but after viewing yesterdays webinar perhaps vertical would be easier. I also want to let you know that you have inspired me to reorganize my scrap room!
Thank you,
Answer from Tiffany
Hi Joyce -
Thanks so much for taking the time to write. I find that vertical storage is MUCH easier. It allows easier access to your paper, better visibility, and you can actually take an entire box off your shelf and put it right next to you on your table without taking up 12x12 inches of table space. So, for example if you're working on Christmas, you would just grab the box with Christmas papers in it and set that on your work table, or if you're going to a crop, put the whole box into your crop tote, when you come home you just put the box right back on the shelf where it came from. I hope this all makes sense, I tend to get a bit long winded on the subject of organization.
I'm so delighted to hear you're inspired. It is one of the reasons I love my job. This webinar has been really fun for me.
Let me know if you have any further questions,
Tiffany Spaulding
aka The ScrapRack Lady
Question - Verticle Storage vs. Shelf Storage
Sent: Wednesday, January 19, 2011 11:06 PM
Subject: storing paper
I've been following the webinars but I'm still a little confused -- is the best way to store paper vertical or horizontal? I had been using paper trays but after viewing yesterdays webinar perhaps vertical would be easier. I also want to let you know that you have inspired me to reorganize my scrap room!
Thank you,
Answer from Tiffany
Hi Joyce -
Thanks so much for taking the time to write. I find that vertical storage is MUCH easier. It allows easier access to your paper, better visibility, and you can actually take an entire box off your shelf and put it right next to you on your table without taking up 12x12 inches of table space. So, for example if you're working on Christmas, you would just grab the box with Christmas papers in it and set that on your work table, or if you're going to a crop, put the whole box into your crop tote, when you come home you just put the box right back on the shelf where it came from. I hope this all makes sense, I tend to get a bit long winded on the subject of organization.
I'm so delighted to hear you're inspired. It is one of the reasons I love my job. This webinar has been really fun for me.
Let me know if you have any further questions,
Tiffany Spaulding
aka The ScrapRack Lady
Organization Challenge Update and Reminder
Hi All -
Our next Organization Challenge Webinar is Tuesday morning at 10:00 am PST. If you haven't signed up - here's a link: Org Challenge Sign Up.
We'll post the details on the website Tuesday afternoon, so if you can't join us live you can visit the website to watch the recorded version. Get Organized Challenge Update Page - Click Here.
I know lots of you are participating in our Facebook Group. For those of you who are not, here are some of the posting from FB.
i wasn't able to attend the "live" webinar but I have just finished watching it. And, we would love to have you move to Texas! See you in San Marcos at the CKC! I am working on and almost finished with Challenge #1! Thanks for all of your help for the unorganized people of the scrapping world!
Shelly VanWormer 2:48pm Jan 15
A question was asked in the webinar about "if the scraprack fits in the Crop in Style XXL?'
Yes, I use my scraprack in my totes on a regular basis.
Jean Stanislawski Middleton 2:22pm Jan 15
I have completed the first challenge. Lots to organize! Grateful for the help!
Hi Tiffany, Well for some reason I wasn't sure how to post this photos to the group site. Not sure if I have not been approved yet so cant or just dumb. Not super savvy with facebook groups. Anyway, I have attached a couple photos if you want to post. I have completed Challenge #1 and very excited to see where it all ends.
Carrie Buck
Jozan Holdren posted in 2011 Get Organized Challenge Group.
Jozan Holdren 6:32am Jan 15
WOW am I excited to get started! Thank you for the Great Challenge and Lessons! I was unable to join the class live due to work, so, last night I got to watch! I am so excited about getting started- I have already got my Purge Box ready, Read Artcle 4 this Morning and gathering "Everything" around the house! Thank you for this great challenge!
Paula McLane Jennings commented on your link.
Paula wrote: "How do you fit your 4 scrapracks on the metal carts? I have 2 regular units with 2 expansions but I can't picture doing that in 22 inches long. Since they are 13 inches wide do the units fit on top or is there a lip around each shelf?"
Bev Kirschner Braun
12:57pm Jan 14
I have completed all of the challenge items except evaluating my space and tools. I have an entire room (12 X 26) with all kinds of craft supplies stacked everywhere. I use another smaller space for actually scrapbooking and card making. My goal is to organize and purge enough stuff to use just the ScrapRack System and one cabinet that is 72" X 40" X 20" for things that won't fit that system. Lofty goal, but I have several outlets for my purge boxes so I believe I can do this.
Pam Petty Martin
11:43am Jan 14
I will be working on the 1st challenge this weekend. It's been too busy for me this week to even do anything yet. I am looking forward to doing this and hopefully keeping it that way. I finally broke down an ordered my scraprack last week, after pondering over it for two years, and it's supposed to be delivered today. I am so excited!
Jean Stanislawski Middleton 11:40am Jan 14
Struggling to understand why I need a calendar section and a theme section. Why can't I just have Christmas/Winter as a theme rather than in the calendar section?
Tif’s Answer: You need to have a calendar year for a couple of reasons. The first is that usually “seasonal” products work within the holidays that fall within the season. So, for example, if you put Easter under “E”, Mother’s Day under “M” and Spring under “S”, you’d have things spread literally from beginning to end in your ScrapRack (or file totes, or whatever tool you’re using). If you put all of those things together in one place within the calendar year – Spring, they will all be together in one place. So when you want to scrap “Easter” you’ll also be easily able to see the Spring papers, stickers, embellishments, etc. that might work well with your Easter pages. This becomes especially important if you are going to a Crop or Class and you want to work on Spring Pages. Because all of your Spring supplies are stored together you can easily gather up what you need to go to the crop/class. I hope this all makes sense, we’ll talk more about it as we begin more of the actual task of physically organizing our stuff.
Mary Ann Belette Mahan
11:24am Jan 14
Finished Challenge 1 and have my themes list done. I hope this challenge will help me organize my stuff.
Sandy Parpart
11:16am Jan 14
This week has been challenging for me because of my migraines. I have printed off the "Challenge 1" sheet, gathered my supplies to my studio and of course joined this group. My husband LOVES the idea of purging and even offered to get me a BIG purge box. I've only been a scrapbooker/cardmaker for a couple years, but I have been a crafter for over 25 years. My studio is a compilation of just about every craft I enjoy. It is hard making "zones" and keeping thing organized without being overwhelmed in the space. I'm really hoping this "challenge" will help.
Angela Monn Taber
11:03am Jan 14
Here is a link to my album of pre-organization photos. Keep in mind that these photos were taken in October 2010 so alot has happened since then, and I am still organizing. So some of the challenges that we will be doing are just a continued work in progress. I have been scraping for 9 years now and have horded a lot of things. I have also given away several boxes of purged material to Girl Scout troops in my area. I still have yet another purge box started for the challenge so maybe I can get back to scraping by the end of the month.
Scrapspace Organization
Janet Zimmerman Hamilton
7:29am Jan 14
This is a "new" beginning for me, as I've had my scraprack for seven years. My goal, though, is to re-organize so that I'm able to take my rack with me to crops--just recently purchased the Office Depot crate. I've just finished purging my stash and gave them to a neighbor. She and her daughter will use the items for church youth projects.
I finished the first challenge this afternoon. I hadn't realized how goofy my theme order has been in my scrap rack. It will be nice to reorganize it so it makes a little more sense.
Nancy Evans
Hi Tiffany,
I watched the video today. (Missed because I had it on my calendar as 1 instead of 10 - duh!) It was great. I have my theme index done, have been gathering stuff from all over, and have all of my themes in the spinders. I am doing a little bit every night. I have stamped every stamp on a piece of paper and put it in the associated theme and have done the same with my punches. Now I am struggling with where you put all the buttons/brads/etc. that are multi-colored, and the patterned papers. For example, do stripes go with stripes or with the predominant color of the stripe? So my pretty pink and green paper - is it pink or green or striped? Or, do I put the pink stripes, dots, and florals all together. The buttons are pink, and green, and blue, and red. I don't know what to do with any of them. Also, how about tags and frames and shapes? Right now I have a theme called Shapes and all the stars, hearts, tags, and frames are in there, but may not be such a good solution. So many decisions!!!! I am assuming you will get to all of that in the webinars.
I still can barely get in my scrapbook room, but the Scrap Rack is starting to take shape. Yea!!!!
Thanks so much for initiating the webinar. This is beyond helpful.
Hi, Tiffany --
Your webinar really inspired me to get serious about organization. Am working on the checklist; however, I won't be doing the Facebook or uploading any photos. I've got a good friend who is my "cheerleader" -- in fact we're both working on organizing our supplies.
Will tune in next week at which time all of my assignment will be completed.
Thanks for your support.
Michele Leggett
6:58pm Jan 11
I did it. I have completed Challenge #1!!! In all fairness, I had a head start as I had a big party over the holidays and had to at least get all my scrapbooking stuff together and into my space (for once it was not spread out all over my house). I only had to open a couple boxes I received several months ago and get that stuff down there. Also, I have boxes of mixed supplies where I "cleaned and organized" for this party, but it is all in my space and I am pretty sure it is everything!!! Can not wait to get this done. I am ready to move to a mental place where my space actually draws and inspires me to work. Thanks a bunch!
Our next Organization Challenge Webinar is Tuesday morning at 10:00 am PST. If you haven't signed up - here's a link: Org Challenge Sign Up.
We'll post the details on the website Tuesday afternoon, so if you can't join us live you can visit the website to watch the recorded version. Get Organized Challenge Update Page - Click Here.
I know lots of you are participating in our Facebook Group. For those of you who are not, here are some of the posting from FB.
Webinar #1 – Get Ready to Get Organized
i wasn't able to attend the "live" webinar but I have just finished watching it. And, we would love to have you move to Texas! See you in San Marcos at the CKC! I am working on and almost finished with Challenge #1! Thanks for all of your help for the unorganized people of the scrapping world!
Shelly VanWormer 2:48pm Jan 15
A question was asked in the webinar about "if the scraprack fits in the Crop in Style XXL?'
Yes, I use my scraprack in my totes on a regular basis.
Jean Stanislawski Middleton 2:22pm Jan 15
I have completed the first challenge. Lots to organize! Grateful for the help!
Hi Tiffany, Well for some reason I wasn't sure how to post this photos to the group site. Not sure if I have not been approved yet so cant or just dumb. Not super savvy with facebook groups. Anyway, I have attached a couple photos if you want to post. I have completed Challenge #1 and very excited to see where it all ends.
Carrie Buck
Jozan Holdren posted in 2011 Get Organized Challenge Group.
Jozan Holdren 6:32am Jan 15
WOW am I excited to get started! Thank you for the Great Challenge and Lessons! I was unable to join the class live due to work, so, last night I got to watch! I am so excited about getting started- I have already got my Purge Box ready, Read Artcle 4 this Morning and gathering "Everything" around the house! Thank you for this great challenge!
Paula McLane Jennings commented on your link.
Paula wrote: "How do you fit your 4 scrapracks on the metal carts? I have 2 regular units with 2 expansions but I can't picture doing that in 22 inches long. Since they are 13 inches wide do the units fit on top or is there a lip around each shelf?"
Bev Kirschner Braun
12:57pm Jan 14
I have completed all of the challenge items except evaluating my space and tools. I have an entire room (12 X 26) with all kinds of craft supplies stacked everywhere. I use another smaller space for actually scrapbooking and card making. My goal is to organize and purge enough stuff to use just the ScrapRack System and one cabinet that is 72" X 40" X 20" for things that won't fit that system. Lofty goal, but I have several outlets for my purge boxes so I believe I can do this.
Pam Petty Martin
11:43am Jan 14
I will be working on the 1st challenge this weekend. It's been too busy for me this week to even do anything yet. I am looking forward to doing this and hopefully keeping it that way. I finally broke down an ordered my scraprack last week, after pondering over it for two years, and it's supposed to be delivered today. I am so excited!
Jean Stanislawski Middleton 11:40am Jan 14
Struggling to understand why I need a calendar section and a theme section. Why can't I just have Christmas/Winter as a theme rather than in the calendar section?
Tif’s Answer: You need to have a calendar year for a couple of reasons. The first is that usually “seasonal” products work within the holidays that fall within the season. So, for example, if you put Easter under “E”, Mother’s Day under “M” and Spring under “S”, you’d have things spread literally from beginning to end in your ScrapRack (or file totes, or whatever tool you’re using). If you put all of those things together in one place within the calendar year – Spring, they will all be together in one place. So when you want to scrap “Easter” you’ll also be easily able to see the Spring papers, stickers, embellishments, etc. that might work well with your Easter pages. This becomes especially important if you are going to a Crop or Class and you want to work on Spring Pages. Because all of your Spring supplies are stored together you can easily gather up what you need to go to the crop/class. I hope this all makes sense, we’ll talk more about it as we begin more of the actual task of physically organizing our stuff.
Mary Ann Belette Mahan
11:24am Jan 14
Finished Challenge 1 and have my themes list done. I hope this challenge will help me organize my stuff.
Sandy Parpart
11:16am Jan 14
This week has been challenging for me because of my migraines. I have printed off the "Challenge 1" sheet, gathered my supplies to my studio and of course joined this group. My husband LOVES the idea of purging and even offered to get me a BIG purge box. I've only been a scrapbooker/cardmaker for a couple years, but I have been a crafter for over 25 years. My studio is a compilation of just about every craft I enjoy. It is hard making "zones" and keeping thing organized without being overwhelmed in the space. I'm really hoping this "challenge" will help.
Angela Monn Taber
11:03am Jan 14
Here is a link to my album of pre-organization photos. Keep in mind that these photos were taken in October 2010 so alot has happened since then, and I am still organizing. So some of the challenges that we will be doing are just a continued work in progress. I have been scraping for 9 years now and have horded a lot of things. I have also given away several boxes of purged material to Girl Scout troops in my area. I still have yet another purge box started for the challenge so maybe I can get back to scraping by the end of the month.
Scrapspace Organization
Janet Zimmerman Hamilton
7:29am Jan 14
This is a "new" beginning for me, as I've had my scraprack for seven years. My goal, though, is to re-organize so that I'm able to take my rack with me to crops--just recently purchased the Office Depot crate. I've just finished purging my stash and gave them to a neighbor. She and her daughter will use the items for church youth projects.
I finished the first challenge this afternoon. I hadn't realized how goofy my theme order has been in my scrap rack. It will be nice to reorganize it so it makes a little more sense.
Nancy Evans
Hi Tiffany,
I watched the video today. (Missed because I had it on my calendar as 1 instead of 10 - duh!) It was great. I have my theme index done, have been gathering stuff from all over, and have all of my themes in the spinders. I am doing a little bit every night. I have stamped every stamp on a piece of paper and put it in the associated theme and have done the same with my punches. Now I am struggling with where you put all the buttons/brads/etc. that are multi-colored, and the patterned papers. For example, do stripes go with stripes or with the predominant color of the stripe? So my pretty pink and green paper - is it pink or green or striped? Or, do I put the pink stripes, dots, and florals all together. The buttons are pink, and green, and blue, and red. I don't know what to do with any of them. Also, how about tags and frames and shapes? Right now I have a theme called Shapes and all the stars, hearts, tags, and frames are in there, but may not be such a good solution. So many decisions!!!! I am assuming you will get to all of that in the webinars.
I still can barely get in my scrapbook room, but the Scrap Rack is starting to take shape. Yea!!!!
Thanks so much for initiating the webinar. This is beyond helpful.
Hi, Tiffany --
Your webinar really inspired me to get serious about organization. Am working on the checklist; however, I won't be doing the Facebook or uploading any photos. I've got a good friend who is my "cheerleader" -- in fact we're both working on organizing our supplies.
Will tune in next week at which time all of my assignment will be completed.
Thanks for your support.
Michele Leggett
6:58pm Jan 11
I did it. I have completed Challenge #1!!! In all fairness, I had a head start as I had a big party over the holidays and had to at least get all my scrapbooking stuff together and into my space (for once it was not spread out all over my house). I only had to open a couple boxes I received several months ago and get that stuff down there. Also, I have boxes of mixed supplies where I "cleaned and organized" for this party, but it is all in my space and I am pretty sure it is everything!!! Can not wait to get this done. I am ready to move to a mental place where my space actually draws and inspires me to work. Thanks a bunch!
The Get Organized Challenge has started!!
Hi Crafters -
Well the 2011 Get Organized Challenge Webinar Series has gotten off to a great start. We've posted the Webinar and all the information/worksheets/challenges, etc to a special page on our website. Here's a link to the page if you want to check it out - Click Here.
We've also started a Facebook Group to facilitate communication and support. You can join the group on our facebook page if you want to stay in the loop. Here's a link - click here.
This week we focused on "getting ready to get organized" and how to insure you can meet your goals. We created "Big Benefit" reminder boards and Rewards Charts. We were also challenged to find all the supplies we have stashed around the house and to create a "Themes" list to help in the organization process.
You can watch the full Webinar on our website and also register to join us for future webinars. One of the most important things about creating a resolution is to set yourself up for success. We started the Webinar with this discussion and talked about how the 2011 Challenge was designed for success. I hope you'll take a few minutes to view the Webinar and make your resolution a reality this year.
Here' a picture of my Big Benefit Reminder Board.
Thanks for checking in on us here at the ScrapRack Get Organized Blog.
Well the 2011 Get Organized Challenge Webinar Series has gotten off to a great start. We've posted the Webinar and all the information/worksheets/challenges, etc to a special page on our website. Here's a link to the page if you want to check it out - Click Here.
We've also started a Facebook Group to facilitate communication and support. You can join the group on our facebook page if you want to stay in the loop. Here's a link - click here.
This week we focused on "getting ready to get organized" and how to insure you can meet your goals. We created "Big Benefit" reminder boards and Rewards Charts. We were also challenged to find all the supplies we have stashed around the house and to create a "Themes" list to help in the organization process.
You can watch the full Webinar on our website and also register to join us for future webinars. One of the most important things about creating a resolution is to set yourself up for success. We started the Webinar with this discussion and talked about how the 2011 Challenge was designed for success. I hope you'll take a few minutes to view the Webinar and make your resolution a reality this year.
Here' a picture of my Big Benefit Reminder Board.
Thanks for checking in on us here at the ScrapRack Get Organized Blog.
2011 Organization Challenge - Registration Link
Hi Ladies -
If you haven't received the link to the Get Organized Webinar - Here it is. This was sent out last week. Please use this to get yourself registered. After registering you'll get an email with a link to login to the Webinar on Tuesday. Please login a few minutes early so you can figure out how to operate your dashboard. I should be logged in by 9:45 to help anyone who needs it.
Click Here to Register Now.
Looking forward to seeing you (hearing you :-) ) on Tuesday,
If you haven't received the link to the Get Organized Webinar - Here it is. This was sent out last week. Please use this to get yourself registered. After registering you'll get an email with a link to login to the Webinar on Tuesday. Please login a few minutes early so you can figure out how to operate your dashboard. I should be logged in by 9:45 to help anyone who needs it.
Click Here to Register Now.
Looking forward to seeing you (hearing you :-) ) on Tuesday,
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